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Terms of Service

1. Validity and conditions of the terms of sale

1.1. These sales conditions of the Valeomed e-store regulate the performance of tests in the Valeomed e-store between the person who made a purchase in the Valeomed e-store (hereinafter the Buyer) and the owner of the https://www.valeomed.ee shopping environment, which is VM Arstiteenused OÜ, registry code 14901497 (hereinafter Valeomed) legal relationships arising from the purchase of the service (hereinafter referred to as the Service).

1.2. Before executing the purchase-sale transaction, the Buyer confirms that he has familiarized himself with the Terms and Conditions of Sales, agrees to fulfill and comply with them, and treats them as binding terms of the transaction concluded with Valeomed. A Buyer who does not agree to the terms of sale cannot perform a purchase-sale transaction in the Valeomed e-shop.

1.3. Valeomed has the right to change and supplement these Terms of Sale. Changes and additions to the terms of sale are available on the Valeomed website. Changes and additions to the terms and conditions of sale take effect upon publication of the corresponding change or addition on the Valeomed website.

1.4. All personal data of the Buyer used for the execution of the purchase-sale transaction in the Valeomed e-shop are treated as confidential data.

1.5. Matters not regulated in the terms of sale are based on the legislation in force in the Republic of Estonia.

2. Sale of services

2.1. Valeomed belongs to Verisana GmbH,  with address Spitalerstraße 9, 20095 Hamburg (hereinafter: Verisana) to the organization of the cooperation partner (distributor). The Service sold in the Valeomed e-shop is subject to the price indicated on the Service on the Valeomed website.

2.2. The price of the service is presented in euros and includes VAT of 22%. If the VAT rate changes, the price of the Service will be adjusted by the change in the VAT rate.

2.3. The price of the service includes the fee for delivering the sampling kit to the Buyer via Itella Smartpost and returning the sample material to the Verisana laboratory.

2.4. Returning the sample material to the laboratory is free for the Buyer, if the return is made with an Itella parcel machine within 30 days using the Itella SmartPost parcel machine (blue, with screen).  The return sticker and door code come with the package

2.6. Valeomedil on õigus e-poes müüdava Teenuse hinda igal ajal muuta. Kui tellimus on Valeomedile edastatud enne hinna muutmist, kohaldatakse Teenusele tellimuse edastamise ajal kehtinud hinda.

2.7. The buyer undertakes to pay for the Service according to the current price. In the Valeomed e-shop, it is possible to pay for the Service using the following payment methods: Paypal, credit card (Visa, MasterCard), bank links (Swedbank, SEB, Luminor, LHV, Coop, Citadele, Revolut). The controller of personal data is Valeomed, which transfers the personal data necessary for making payments to the authorized processor, which is Montonio Finance OÜ.

3. Forming the order, concluding a purchase-sale transaction

3.1. The buyer can be a natural person with legal capacity or a legal entity with legal capacity. By submitting the order, the Buyer confirms that he has the necessary legal or legal capacity and/or authorization to complete the transaction. The Buyer with limited legal capacity (i.e. a person under 18 years of age) confirms by agreeing to the Terms of Sale that his legal representative has given him consent to make the transaction and to use the necessary funds for this purpose.

3.2. The shopping cart is created at the moment when the Buyer presses the "Add to cart" button near the Service. Adding the Service to the shopping cart does not oblige you to purchase the Service. You can change the contents of the shopping cart, add or remove the Service and cancel the order at any time until the order is placed.

3.3. To complete the order in the Valeomed e-store, the Buyer must press the "Submit order" button on the shopping cart page. When completing the order, the Buyer must fill out a virtual form with his personal data (first name, last name, destination of sending the sampling kit: city, parcel point; contact phone number, e-mail address, business name of the legal entity in the case of a legal entity).

3.4. Before confirming the order, the Buyer must familiarize himself with the Terms of Sale and the Privacy Terms of the Valeomed e-shop and confirm his acceptance of them and choose the payment method through which he wishes to pay for the order.

3.4. Before confirming the order, the Buyer must familiarize himself with the Terms of Sale and the Privacy Terms of the Valeomed e-shop and confirm his acceptance of them and choose the payment method through which he wishes to pay for the order.

3.6. The purchase-sale transaction is deemed concluded by sending a confirmation of the order made on the basis of the shopping cart to the Buyer's e-mail address.

4. Fulfillment of the order

4.1. Valeomed sends the sampling kit to the Buyer with the Itella Smartpost parcel machine according to the selection made by the Buyer in the Valeomed e-shop.

4.2. Valeomed arranges to send the sampling kit to the Buyer no later than 3 (three) working days after confirming the order, unless meeting the deadline is impossible for any reason beyond Valeomed's control.

4.3. Service sampling kit shipping destination: Republic of Estonia.

4.4. Valeomed is not responsible for the delay in the delivery of the sampling set and for any misunderstandings that have arisen if this is due to the inaccuracy or incorrectness of the data provided by the Buyer when placing the order.

4.5. The time required to perform the service is described on the Valeomed website under Service ("Description of the test", "Test completion time"), the time is calculated from the arrival of the sample material to the Verisana laboratory.

4.6. Compliance with the deadline for the performance of the service may be delayed due to circumstances beyond Valeomed's control and the occurrence of which could not be foreseen, including technical problems and force majeure (see Section 6.2. force majeure)

4.7. The performance of the service is considered completed when the result is sent to the Buyer's e-mail address by the Verisana laboratory.

5. Withdrawal from the purchase-sale transaction

5.1. After receiving the order, the Buyer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded in the e-shop within 14 days. To cancel the order for the service, the Buyer sends the cancellation request in writing to Valeomed's e-mail address info@valeomed.ee. The statement must include the buyer's name, phone number, email address, invoice number and reason for return. 

5.2. The sampling kit to be returned must be in its packaging and undamaged. Valeomed e-shop is not obliged to take back a product with damaged or damaged packaging. The costs of returning the goods, which accompany the delivery of the product or products from the Buyer to the Valeomed e-shop, are borne by the Buyer.

5.3. In the event that the Buyer cancels the order while the sampling kits have been sent to the Buyer, Valeomed will refund 75% of the cost of the Service to the bank account indicated by the Buyer within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the receipt of the cancellation request to Valeomed.

5.4. The buyer has the right to opt out of learning the results by notifying Valeomed in writing before the results are issued. Waiver of learning the results does not give the Buyer the right to claim back the amount paid for the Service.

5.5. If the Buyer does not pick up the package within 7 days and the package is sent back to the Valeomed online store, Valeomed will refund the amount paid in the order, but the logistics partner's return shipping costs will be deducted from it.

5.6. The right of withdrawal does not apply to legal entities. 

6. Liability and force majeure

6.1. Valeomed is liable to the Buyer and the Buyer is liable to Valeomed to the other party for direct damage caused by violation of the Terms of Sale in the cases and to the extent provided for in the legislation in force in the Republic of Estonia.

6.2. Valeomed is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer if the performance of the Service is delayed due to circumstances that Valeomed could not influence and whose arrival could not be foreseen, including technical problems and force majeure. Force majeure is considered to be any event over which Valeomet has no control or which cannot be foreseen, such as general power outages, fire, explosions, natural disasters or other internationally recognized circumstances beyond the control of the will that affect the performance of the Service.

7. Dispute Resolution

7.1. The buyer has the right to contact Valeomed within 14 days at the latest, in the event of a defect in the sampling set, presenting the invoice on the basis of which the purchase of the goods was paid for.

7.2. Valeomed and the Buyer will mutually agree on the repair or replacement of defective goods. Valeomed covers the costs of repairing the scrap on the manufacturer's side.

7.3. Valeomed is not responsible for defects in the product due to the Buyer's fault, which have arisen as a result of improper storage of the product or non-intended use of the product.

7.4. If the Buyer has any claims regarding the Valeomed Service, they must be sent to the e-mail address info@valeomed.ee.

7.5. All disputes arising from or related to the purchase and sale transaction between the Buyer and Valeomed shall be resolved through negotiations. If the Buyer and Valeomed cannot resolve the dispute by agreement, the Buyer can appeal to the Consumer Disputes Committee.


Terms of sale. Annex 1.

Testing Terms and Conditions Kinnitatud 15.01.2024

Information about sample material 

1. The requirements and instructions for the test materials are described on the Valeomed website under the test ordering information.

2. To perform the test, it is necessary that:

  • 2.1. the test cover sheet is filled in according to the requirements;
  • 2.2. quality requirements have been followed when taking and storing sample material;
  • 2.3. the quality, quantity and concentration of the sample material corresponds  Verisana GMbH kehtestatud nõuetele;

3. Valeomed is not responsible for the loss of the sample sent for testing, being sent to the wrong address or the package being broken during transport.

4. The Verisana partner laboratory has the right to request new or additional sample material if the quality or quantity of the sample material does not meet the established requirements. For each subsequent replacement set, Verisana has the right to charge the Buyer €8.32. Shipping costs for replacement kits are borne by the Buyer.

Test execution 

1. The customer gives his consent to the test by signing the Verisana GMbH testing consent form. The test result is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

2. Testing in the Verisana laboratory is carried out in accordance with good laboratory practice and international quality requirements.

3. The test execution time depends on the method used for the analysis. More detailed information about the time it takes to perform the test is available on the Valeomed website with the ordering information for each test. Test results are issued  by e-mail from Verisana GMbH (Spitalerstraße 9, 20095 Hamburg) and Valeomed cannot take responsibility for delays caused by unforeseen time-consuming events of Verisana GMbH.

Limitations of testing 

The development and execution of the test is based on currently known molecular biological data, which may change over time as new scientific information becomes available. Due to the variability of the biological material and the molecular biological methods used, in rare cases the test result may turn out to be false or inaccurate.

Receiving test results 

1.Test results are issued by Verisana GMbH (Spitalerstraße 9, 20095 Hamburg).

Password-protected lab report will be sent via email. Document is issued to the e-mail only to the customer who ordered the test.

A copy(s) of the results will only be issued to the person whose name and details are indicated on the test cover sheet. Verisana GMbH does not pass on the test person's personal data or test results to third parties.

Rights and obligations 

1. Valeomed and Valeomed employees are not responsible for direct, causal, indirect or other possible damage, including damage to health or death, which may occur as a result of conducting tests or using the results.

2. The customer hereby agrees to release Valeomed / Valeomed employees from liability in case of damage caused by using Valeomed's website or testing service, or claims or legal proceedings that may arise from the use of the same services initiated by third parties.

3. The material liability of Valeomedi / Valeomedi employees does not in any case exceed the financial value that the customer has paid for the respective test. Any claim against Valeomed or Valeomed employees must be filed within six months after the test results are issued, otherwise the claim will be considered time-barred.

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VM Arstiteenused OÜ

Reg.Code: 14901497
IBAN: EE307700771009868598


Tallinn, Sepapaja 12/1, Karl Ernst von Baeri maja | 11415, Tallinn
Doctor's appointment according to the schedule.

tel +372 56613668

© 2024 VM Arstiteenused OÜ. All rights reserved.

Receiving test results 

Test results are issued by Verisana GMbH (Spitalerstraße 9, 20095 Hamburg).

Password-protected lab report will be sent via email. dokument väljastatakse e-postile inglise keeles.


Sample collection kit will be delivered to you by Itella Smartpost parcel terminal according to your choice.

Sample collection kit includes:

  • sampling devices
  • sample collection guide
  • return envelope

Delivery services are pre-paid and there are no additional costs involved.

For shipping to the laboratory use any Itella Smartpost BLUE parcel machine. Find the parcel locker door code in your kit (code is valid for 30 days).

How to purchase from the e-store?

In Valeo Med e-store you will find a selection of self testing home kits.

You can easily place your order online. Select the appropriate products and add them to the shopping cart.

Choose the delivery option and preferred payment method. Recheck your order information and pay.

An invoice will be sent to your e-mail address to confirm the purchase.
