Intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut syndrome, happens when cells in the gut break apart, “leaking” larger molecules from the gut into the bloodstream, potentially causing inflammation and tissue damage. Larger molecules that seep into the bloodstream include undigested food proteins, viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, toxins, or chemicals.
Leaky gut is closely related to autoimmunity, and most people who have it autoimmune disease, also has leaky gut syndrome. Some researchers believe that leaking salt is the key to triggering autoimmunity in the body. Leaky gut syndrome can also cause a number of food intolerances.
Since leaky gut syndrome can be a symptom of a number of serious medical conditions, it is most important to see a doctor to rule out any serious conditions.
Available in our online store Leaky Gut Complete, which allows you to identify the presence or absence of factors affecting intestinal permeability.
Reg.Code: 14901497
IBAN: EE307700771009868598
Tallinn, Sepapaja 12/1, Karl Ernst von Baeri maja | 11415, Tallinn
Doctor's appointment according to the schedule.
Receiving test results
Test results are issued by Verisana GMbH (Spitalerstraße 9, 20095 Hamburg).
Password-protected lab report will be sent via email. dokument väljastatakse e-postile inglise keeles.
Sample collection kit will be delivered to you by Itella Smartpost parcel terminal according to your choice.
Sample collection kit includes:
Delivery services are pre-paid and there are no additional costs involved.
For shipping to the laboratory use any Itella Smartpost BLUE parcel machine. Find the parcel locker door code in your kit (code is valid for 30 days).
How to purchase from the e-store?
In Valeo Med e-store you will find a selection of self testing home kits.
You can easily place your order online. Select the appropriate products and add them to the shopping cart.
Choose the delivery option and preferred payment method. Recheck your order information and pay.
An invoice will be sent to your e-mail address to confirm the purchase.